ag体育正规 酒庄 with Incredible Art Collections

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ag体育正规 酒庄 with Incredible Art Collections

By 酒Country Collective 2023年5月17日

Venturing into the he艺术 of ag体育正规, California is more than just a journey through world-class vineyards and cellars; it is also an invitation to explore the fascinating world of 艺术 that thrives within these wineries. 从迷人的花园装置到精心策划的永久收藏和旋转展览, ag体育正规的酒庄吸引了来自世界各地的艺术家和艺术爱好者. Discover the magic of this enchanting combination at these five ag体育正规 wineries在这里,艺术与葡萄酒无缝融合,创造难忘的体验.

赫斯 Persson Art Gallery
Photo 礼貌的 赫斯 Persson Estates

最初制作于1993年,安迪·戈尔兹沃西的“表面张力”被巧妙地重新组装在 赫斯 2009年屋苑. Famed for his use of natural materials, 戈尔兹沃西的作品是由细长的栗树叶柄组成的, moistened and fastened together with hawthorn thorns. 值得注意的是, 没有使用胶水或硬件来将装置固定在墙壁或天花板上,只有荆棘将其固定在适当的位置. During the expertly guided tour of the 赫斯 Collection Art Museum, you’ll have the opportunity to marvel at this captivating 艺术work, 以及唐纳德·赫斯私人收藏的其他杰出作品, which he began collecting in 1966. Following the tour, a tasting of current releases awaits you, offering the perfect indulgence to complement your 艺术istic journey.

内幕消息: Even though you’ll have lots of 艺术 to explore at 赫斯, there 因为要参加品酒会,所以请注意21岁以下的人不能参加.

4411 Redwood Road, 纳帕, CA 94558, (707) 255-1144

Photo 礼貌的 卡米艺术+葡萄酒

Artist and founder of 卡米劳里·M. Shelton’s cow 绘画 have become highly sought after, from St. 海伦娜到巴黎. 在失去丈夫之后,Shelton开始画牛和酿酒来处理她的悲伤. 谢尔顿还在她的画廊旁边画了一个备受喜爱的“我(心)卡利斯托加”标志. See these colorful cows at 卡米’s downtown Calistoga tasting room, which is covered in 艺术 all curated by Shelton. For larger p艺术ies or an intimate special event, 预订一次私人品鉴会,让画廊和它的轮流收藏的艺术品属于你自己.

内幕消息: For a great ag体育正规 艺术 和酒 pairing, 享受深海, intense flavors of 卡米’s Merlot while gazing at the cows.

1333B Lincoln Avenue, Calistoga, CA 94515, (707) 709-6889

Red Rain, Photo 礼貌的 大厅的葡萄酒

Upon entering the tasting room at 大厅,你的感官立即被尼克·凯夫令人敬畏的挂毯“花园情节”所吸引.” This elaborate welcome is a stunning blend of woven textiles, 珠子, 亮片, and an assortment of found objects. 大厅 has established itself as a haven for exceptional 艺术, 大厅外的旅程揭示了更多的艺术宝藏. Be sure to venture to the fermentation tank room, where Graham Caldwell’s blown glass creation, “红雨,” graces the space (shown above), and Jim Campbell’s mesmerizing LED light display, “爆炸视图,” enchants visitors. 此外, 户外花园区展示了各种有趣的雕塑, so don’t stay inside for too long.

内幕消息: Representing the symbiotic relationship between 艺术 和酒, 霍尔的杰克的杰作红色混合是深层次和独特的艺术作品,装饰标签. Grab a bottle to take home, 因为它是一个伟大的, 值得窖藏的装瓶适合任何你想要打动的艺术爱好者.

401 St. 海伦娜 Highway, St. 海伦娜, CA 94574, (707) 967-2626

沉默的纳帕 Gallery
Photo 礼貌的 沉默的纳帕

当你沉浸在安塞尔·亚当斯的标志性风景摄影中时,尽情享受一杯ag体育正规的起泡酒 沉默的纳帕. Established in 1993, 妈妈的美术摄影画廊通过他的孙子的慷慨开始展示亚当斯的杰作, 马修·亚当斯, who loaned the collection to the winery. 他以拍摄美国自然奇观的黑白照片而闻名, 比如优胜美地, 安塞尔·亚当斯(Ansel Adams)的作品不仅因其艺术才华而闻名,还因其隐含的环保主义色彩而闻名. 体验亚当斯的摄影迷人的诱惑,在波光粼粼的纳帕妈妈全年的氛围.

内幕消息: If you join their wine club, 你就可以喝到非常受欢迎的起泡黑皮诺葡萄酒(在感恩节和节假日期间啜饮的绝佳选择)!), among other special releases. 俱乐部会员资格还意味着你每个月可以免费品尝四个人的葡萄酒(如果你是当地人,那就更棒了)。.

8445 Silverado Trail 纳帕, CA 94573, (707) 967-7700

Photo 礼貌的 智慧的酒 Gallery | Susan DeMatei

如果你喜欢粉红色,你会想去参观博物馆的最新展览 智慧 酒廊内 市中心的纳帕. “粉红! 用爱, For Ukraine” features 艺术ists Kate Tova, 史蒂夫Javiel, 马克•福斯特, and 纳帕 local Penelope Moore. These 艺术ists united to raise funds and awareness for Ukraine, with a portion of each piece sold going to World Central Kitchen, 该组织为逃离并留在祖国的乌克兰家庭提供新鲜食物. Sip on a glass of red while you take in all the pinks, from pieces of murals, 绘画, 涂鸦, 和雕塑. 敏锐美术馆致力于支持所有的艺术家,并以展示新兴和成熟的艺术家为荣. 他们甚至鼓励艺术家为每个展览重新设计画廊空间. If you want to add to your own collection, 你很幸运, all 艺术 displayed is available for purchase.

内幕消息: 智慧葡萄园坐落在阿特拉斯峰的山坡上,以其山上种植的赤霞珠和长相思而闻名. If Champagne is more your style, 享受画廊香槟品尝,并以自己的节奏在画廊周围漫步, with a glass of bubbly of course.

1315 First Street, 纳帕, CA 94559, (707) 492-8336

Photo courtesy of 悬崖导语

悬崖导语 Vineyards 在后台酒廊提供独特的品酒体验. Vineyard owner 悬崖导语, inspired by his love for classic rock and great wine, has brought a fresh take to the standard ag体育正规 tasting room. The lounge is a comfortable, 轻松的空间,以摇滚社区创作的旋转艺术收藏品为特色. You’ll find 艺术 by former singer-songwriter, 优雅的, Elton John’s collaborator, 伯尼陶品, and even a few pieces by John Lennon. Along with sculptures, 绘画, 和摄影, the Backstage Lounge has a host of music memorabilia, even a signed electric guitar from the band Fleetwood Mac. With a curated playlist of classic rock, 独特的艺术, 还有美酒, this is not your average tasting room.

内幕消息: 悬崖导语用他最喜欢的歌曲或专辑来命名他葡萄园的每一个街区, better known as the “Rock Blocks.试试小块的Rock Block系列,它是两个或更多块的“混搭”. 这些葡萄酒以其创新的名字而闻名,如“午夜回旋”,组合了Yes的《AG体育平台》和Eric Clapton的《ag体育正规》.”

1473 AG体育平台 Cross Road, AG体育平台, CA 94559, (707) 944-8642

礼貌的 Artesa酒厂 在加州纳帕市

Artesa酒厂 ag体育正规的洛斯卡内罗斯地区为葡萄酒和艺术爱好者提供了难忘的体验. 展示当代雕塑和绘画在整个物业策划的集合, 酒庄邀请游客欣赏这些艺术瑰宝在优雅的品酒室或在天井外俯瞰卡内罗斯产区. A true testament to its 艺术istic dedication, Artesa’s architecture, designed by renowned Spanish architect Domingo Triay, 巧妙地将现代美学与对自然环境的深刻欣赏融合在一起, inviting reflection on the harmony between nature, 艺术, 和酒.

内幕消息在Artesa,多样化是生活的调味品,它生产各种风格的葡萄酒. 也就是说,如果你的团队有不同的口味偏好,你都会在这里找到你喜欢的东西. Think Albariño to Sauvignon Blanc, sparkling wine to Pinot Noir, and even full-bodied wines like Cabernet. 这家酒厂最近还推出了他们的第一款后期起泡酒,这款酒总是很有趣.

1345 Henry Road, 纳帕, CA 94559, (707) 224-1668